SK | 05th–06th May 2025


Jaroslav Bacigál (2012)

Head of Control Systems, Measurement and Data Management, SPP - distribúcia

He began his professional career in 1989 as a secondary school teacher and then as a programmer. Since 1997, he has been active in the Slovak gas industry a.s., (SPP, a.s.) Bratislava and after the establishment of a new company in 2004 in SPP - distribution, a.s., he worked in positions such as system technician, administrator and specialist of SCADA control systems and project management. He led projects for remote monitoring of regulatory stations and middle - size buyers. Since 2009, he has been the Head of the Systems Management, Measurement and Administration Department at SPP - Distribution, a.s. Bratislava. He is responsible for SCADA control systems, measurement and telemetry strategy, GIS and SLA for ICT.

Zalan Bacs (2018)

Director of the Hungarian branch of Rosatom Central Europe

Zalan Bacs studied at the Technical University in Budapest. He graduated in 1992 from the subject of study “Qualified chemical engineer”. In 1994 he extended his education level at the Economy University in Budapest/ London business school with the MBA degree. He started his professional career in 1992 as a project manager in MOL. In 1994-1995 he worked in Arthur D. Little in London as a consultant. In 1995-2003 he worked alternately in various branches of MOL in leading positions. In 1995-97 he was manager of the international trade department, in 1996 a CEO of the MOL in Romania, in 2000-2003 a manager of plan and control department. In 2005 to 2009 he held various posts in the INA company – from a member of the board, manager of the service department for companies, to CFO and CEO in 2009. Years 2010 to 2012 he devoted to preparations of the new strategy of MVM and setting the way of business under the auspices of “Hungarian energy companies LTD” where he held the position of the deputy general director for strategy. In 2012 he became the Director of the Hungarian Branch of Rosatom. Since 2015 up to now he is the area manager of Rosatom for Central Europe.

Ladislav Bekéni (2011)

Country manager, United Energy Trading

Mr. Bekéni graduated at the University of Economics in Bratislava (Faculty of Economic Informatics - Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business, Specialization - Operational Research and Econometrics). In 2002 - 2005 he worked at Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. in Marketing Section (Analyst for Marketing and Price Analytics, Product Development and Marketing Specialist). In 2005 - 2007 he worked for ČEZ a.s., branch office in Slovakia as a Business Development Manager - primarily focused on the development of electricity sales to end customers. Since 2007 – he has worked for the United Energy Trading a.s. as a Country Manager for Slovakia – he deals with electricity sales to end customers, management and development activities of United Energy Trading branch office in Slovakia.

Hanuš Beran (2011)

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Taures

Mr. Beran is a graduate of the Charles University in Prague. Between 2001 and 2004, he worked as a member of Board of directors of Taures a.s. In 2004 he became the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In his professional career he focuses mainly on consulting activities connected to energy trade, on economic and technical analysis, on development of power equipment etc.

Ľubomír Blaško (2012)

Head of the CNG Sales Department, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel

Since 1984 he worked in the Asbestos - cement Factory in Nitra in various economic positions and also as a Head of the information system of this company. In 1991, he joined Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., a branch in Nitra, for the position of the Deputy Director of the Economy and Trade Division. In 2001, he joined the SPP General Directorate in Bratislava, where he worked as a CIS project manager (SAP IS - U customer information system implementation) and director of the billing section. Since 2005 he has been the Head of the CNG sales department in the SPP, a.s. Bratislava. In 2006 he received the degree of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Brno Business School (and accreditation at the Notthingham Trent University, UK).

Dean Brabec (2018)

Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little

With more than 20 years of consulting experience, Dean Brabec is a Managing Partner, Central & Eastern Europe at the Prague office of Arthur D. Little. Since joining the company in 2005, Dean has been in charge of sales, marketing, and project management, focusing on Oil & Gas, Utilities, Travel & Transportation, Telecommunication & Media and Public Services projects. Prior to joining Arthur D. Little, Dean worked as a Senior Manager at KPMG and Director at Deloitte Czech Republic. Dean led multi-million-dollar strategy and transformation projects in Central and Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe and the Middle East for the largest companies and utilities in the regions. He helped to establish the Czech Energy Regulatory Office and is a former member of its Advisory Board. Dean is the President of the Chief Finance Officers’ Club (CFO Club) that numbers nearly 150 members from the leading Czech and Slovak companies.

Stanko Bystrík (2011)

Vicepresident, the city of Trnava

Michal Cabala (2012)

Regulation specialist, Slovak Electricity Transmission System

Vojtěch Červenka (2012)

Commercial Director, Dalkia, Member of the Board of Directors of the Slovak Association of Heat Producers

He finished his university studies in 1989 at the Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In 1991, he earned a DEA diploma at the Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble, which confirmed his Engineer degree in France as well. In 1994 he started working at Dalkia, where he held various managerial positions. Currently, he holds the position of the Commercial Director of Dalkia a.s. His engagement in the issues of heat generation support and the idea of energy efficiency is reflected in his activity in the board of directors of the Slovak Association of Heat Producers, or more precisely in the board of directors of the European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services based in Brussels.

Daniel Domanovský (2011)

Trade dealer for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Vertis Finance

In 2002 - 2006 Mr. Domanovský worked for Menert s.r.o. Since 2006 he has been working for Vertis Environmental Finance Ltd. as a trader of emission allowances (CZ, SK) and a project manager.

Jaromír Fajman (2011)

Director of Gas Trading, United Energy Trading

In 2002 Mr. Fajman graduated at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Faculty of Chemical Engineering (specialization on Economics and Management). Further, in 2003 he graduated at the Faculty of Environmental Protection (specialization on Gas, Coke Chemistry and Air Protection). Within 2004 and 2007 he worked at the Gas industry department of the Czech Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) where he was responsible for the gas networks. His main activities were gas market modelling, price setting for end customers, international cooperation within the CEER and ERGEG working groups. Since 2007 he has been the Head of gas division of the United Energy Trading, a.s., one of the largest independent gas traders in the Czech Republic.

Viktor Ferencey (2012)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Slovak University of Technology

Iveta Fillová (2012)

Specialist in Business Development and Strategy, SE Predaj

In 1983 she finished university studies at STU, Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering and Informatics in Bratislava. After completing her studies, she worked in the Západoslovenská energetika a.s. in Bratislava, where she, during 27 years, held various positions from the sales manager to the Head of sales department. Since 2011 she has been a Business Development and Strategy Specialist for the SE Sales company.

Jan Fousek (2018)

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Solar Association and Solar Global Energy Director

Jan mainly focuses on energy markets, he has worked in this sector since 2008. His opinions are regularly published by well-known domestic and international business media. He frequently gives speeches at prestigious energy conferences all over the world, mostly in Europe. Jan co-founded Virtuse Energy, once a well-esteemed European emissions and energy trading house. After 5 years of managing and co-owning this company, Jan sold his share in February 2016 and joined the Solar Global group as Managing Director. He also became a Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Solar Association of the Czech Republic. There, he is responsible for international (especially European) agenda and active worldwide conference & media appearance. In July 2017, Jan took position of the CEO in AKU-BAT CZ, the first Czech association for supporting energy storage and battery development.

Karol Galek (2018)

Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Economic Affairs Committee

He studied hydrogeology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Comenius University in Bratislava. Through geothermal energy and further study at the Technical university in Vienna he reached the renewable sources energy field. Professional experience gathered in this sector in the USA and Austria used Mr. Galek later in business activities also in Slovakia. Since 2013 he is active in political party Liberty and Solidarity as a teamleader for the power industry. In 2016 he was elected a member of the Nation Council of the SR. His main agenda is transparency in regulation, elimination of political decisions from energy prices and market environment in the power industry.

Jiří Gavor (2012)

Executive Director of ENA and Director of the Association of Independent Energy Suppliers

He is a graduate of the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (ČVUT - FJFI), and a candidate for physics and technical sciences. He has worked as a lecturer at the university and a researcher in the field of power engineering. In 1992 he founded the ENA consulting and he is the owner and manager of the company. He is also the Executive Director of the Association of Independent Energy Suppliers (ANDE).

Milena Geussová (2011, 2012, 2013)

Specialised editor, PRO - ENERGY Magazine

Ms. Geussová is a special editor of the PRO - ENERGY magazine. In 2010 - 2014 she was the editor - in - chief. She graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Charles University. She has many years of experience in the media field where she focused on the economy and later on the energy area. In 1990 - 1994 she worked in the economic section of Lidové noviny, in 1994 - 1999 she was writing for the weekly magazine Týden, where she was for two years the Head of the economic section. From 1999 to 2008 she was employed in the weekly magazine Ekonom. Since 2008, he has been working externally with various media, such as Hospodářské noviny, Technický týdeník and others.

Ladislav Goryl (2012)

Deputy Chief Executive Officer and the Underground Gas Storage Division Director, NAFTA

After graduating from the Ecology of Management and Technology at the Faculty of Mining at the Technical University of Košice, he worked as a technical engineer from 1995 till 2002. From 2002 to 2006, he worked as the Head of the Branch of Operations with a focus on the underground natural gas storage. Subsequently, he became the Head of Asset Management for one year. Currently, he holds position of the Director of the Underground Natural Gas Branch and the Deputy CEO in the company.

René Grebeň (2011, 2018)

CEO, Energie pro život

René Grebeň is the director of Energie pro život s.r.o. This company is a dynamic supplier of electricity and gas in the Czech Republic. He also worked in companies Bohemia Energy, Energetické Centrum a.s. and Energy Supplier No. 1

Ladislav Gunčaga (2013)

Expert on regulation in Západoslovenská energetika

He graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Department of Power Engineering - Production, Distribution and Utilization of Electricity. He worked mainly in companies specialised on design and construction of electrical power plants, e.g. at the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) - Department of Electric Power Regulation. Currently he holds the position of a regulation expert in the company Západoslovenská energetika, a.s.

Roman Guniš (2011)

Partner, NEUROPEA Corporate Finance

Rastislav Hanulák (2011, 2012, 2013, 2018)

Partner, Capitol Legal Group

He served as an attorney since 2006. From 2003 to 2006 he worked as an external legal advisor at the prestigious Central European private equity company. He is experienced in the field of real estate as well as in the energy sector due to his current practice as an advisor to several companies from the energy sector. He is also skilled in commercial law, corporate law, acquisitions and privatization, competition and state aid law and the public healthcare law. He provided advice on large - scale transactions realized in Slovakia in the field of energy, acquisitions of healthcare facilities and real estate. He also participates in advisory bodies of employers' associations and legislative committees. Occasionally, he gives speeches at various professional conferences.

Andrej Hanzel (2011)

Expert in nuclear power, Slovak Nuclear Society

Andrej Hanzel is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering faculty of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, study field Nuclear Engineering. Since 1980 he has worked in Slovenské elektrárne, plc. (Slovak Powerplants). Currently he is deputy director for science and research in the engineering sector. He is also executive manager and director of the company „Centre for science and research, Ltd.“ The company is 100% owned by the SE, plc. and is based in Mochovce.

Jozef Holjenčík (2012)

Chairman of the Regulatory Council

Ľuboš Holka (2012)

Head of Strategy and Network Development, Východoslovenská distribučná

Marcel Hominda (2018)

Principal in Arthur D. Little

He advises clients on technology-driven issues including digital strategy and large-scale information system implementations, primarily in healthcare and the public sector in Central and Eastern Europe. In one recent project, he helped Kosovo’s government to design concept and implementation roadmaps for a national integrated health system. Prior to joining Arthur D. Little in 2006, Marcel worked for six years in Arthur Andersen’s business consulting arm, focusing on operational efficiency and information technology projects across a broad range of clients. He also spent two years working at the strategy division of a major telco operator, responsible for technology transformation initiatives.

Miroslav Hrobák (2011)

National Register of Emission Allowances of the Slovak Republic, Dexia bank Slovakia

Miroslav Hrobák is responsible for technical administration of the register, testing of software functionalities, solving of problems and monitoring the register processes. He is also the author of user and system manuals, participates in meetings at the level of the European Committee and UNFCCC Secretary and he also ensures reporting for these institutions.

Michal Hudec (2012, 2013)

Chairman, Združenie dodávateľov energie

Stanislav Janiš (2012, 2013, 2018)

Partner and CEO of ENJA

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University in Košice and the Institute of Judicial Engineering of the University of Žilina. He worked at the University Hospital in Martin as a Deputy, and as a Head of Office in the City of Martin. He was a member of the National Council of the SR, Chairman of the Committee on Economy, Construction and Transport. He has been involved in the preparation and approval of legislation in the fields of energy, heat, renewable energy and regulation. Nowadays, he is a partner and CEO of ENJA. He actively participates in expert conferences, particularly in the field of energy.

Július Jankovský (2013)

Member of the Presidium, Association of Industrial Ecology in Slovakia

Petr Jevič (2012)

Executive Director, Sdružení pro výrobu bionafty Praha (Association for the Production of Biodiesel Prague)

Je absolventem Fakulty strojní́ ČVUT v Praze. Od roku 1978 je pracovníkem VÚZT, v.v.i. Praha. V letech 1989 - 2010 externě přednášel na ČZU v Praze, na Technické́ fakultě̌. V roce 1990 spoluzakládal a od roku 2000 je výkonným ředitelem Sdružení pro výrobu bionafty Praha. Zaměřuje se na problematiku technologických procesů zpracování zemědělské produkce, výroby tuhých a motorových biogenních paliv se zvláštním zřetelem na udržitelné́ a efektivní́ využívání biomasy a zemědělských zbytků, standardizaci a řízení jakosti vyrobených produktů.

Radoslav Jonáš (2011)

Director of the Department of Air Protection, Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic

In 1996 - 2003 he worked for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic in various departments - the Department of Environmental Legislation, the Department of Waste Management and as the State Councillor in charge of the Waste Management. In 2003 - 2009 he worked for the Representation of Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia as a consultant, team leader and country manager. In 2009 - 2011, he worked for the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak republic in the emission allowance trading division as the department director, further in the Department of Air protection and finally in the State Council.

Vítězslav Jonáš (2018)

Chairman, Sdružení Energetické Třebíčsko (Association Energy Trebic-District)

Vítězslav Jonáš is the chairman of the Energeticke Trebicsko Association. The aim of this association is to keep the level of the power-producing district. It contributes hugely to preparations of construction of the new nuclear source in Dukovany. He studied the then Technical Engineering High School in Trebic and after the study he participated in construction of the water reservoir Dalešice. Later he worked in Juranovy Závody (Juran Plants) and in Škoda Praha Company. After the revolution, in 1990, he was elected the mayor of the village Dukovany and in 2006 a senator of the Trebic district.

Vladislav Jurík (2018)

Director of Regulatory Section, Stredoslovenská distribučná Company

He studied Faculty of Business Management at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He worked in the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic – at the department of Abuse of Dominant Position, later he focused on regulation in Slovenske elektrarne, plc. and Stredoslovenska energetika. Currently he holds the position of the director of the Regulation section in Stredoslovenska distribucna, plc.

Jan Klepáč (2012, 2013)

Slovak Gas and Oil Association

After the studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering SVŠT, he worked until 1990 on managerial positions in the Oil and Gas Industry (precursor of the SPP, a.s.). Then, until 2001, he worked in political positions in the Slovak Parliament and also in the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic. Between 2001 and 2007, he was a Deputy at the Network Industries Regulatory Office (SR) and Chairman of the Regulatory Board. In 2006, he earned a Master's degree in Gas Management in the Netherlands and currently he is the Executive Director of the Slovak Gas and Oil Association NAFTA, a.s. and the Chairman of the Working Group on Underground Storage at the International Gas Union.

Roman Kotiers (2011)

Director of Regulation, Strategy and Business Development, Stredoslovenská energetika

Libor Kozubík (2012)

Consultant, IBM Czech republic

He graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Mining - Technical University in Ostrava. In 1998 - 2005 he worked on projects of the implementation of electricity distribution information systems in Spain, Argentina, Moldova and the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, he participated in the project of implementing the information system of the Electricity Market Operator and in the implementation of projects in the field of electricity trading. Since 2007, he has been working for IBM as a power and utilities consultant - Smart Grids. Within IBM, he provided projects for the leading Czech and Slovak electricity distribution companies in the field of Automated Meter Management, Work Force Management and e - mobility.

Henrich Krejčí (2011, 2012)

Head of Energy Law, Regulatory and Public Affairs Unit, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (Slovak Gas Industry)

He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Comenius University in Bratislava. Since 2005, he has been working in the Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. He mainly deals with issues of energy law, regulation and competition. Since 2008, he is the head of Energy Law, Regulatory and Public Affairs Division, which, apart from legal advice in these areas, also includes issues related to company membership in professional organizations and institutional relations. He is a member of the Board of the Slovak Gas and Oil Association.

Jaroslav Kubinec (2011, 2012)

Executive Director, Trade Section, Slovak Electricity Transmission System

Miroslav Kučera (2011, 2012)

Secretary, Association of Industrial Energy Consumers

Peter Kučera (2013)

Director, NAFTA

Ľubica Kučerová (2011)

Specialist for the administration of emission allowances, Dexia banka Slovensko

Ms. Kučerová is responsible for the management of the Slovak National Register of Emission Allowances, methodical design of the system administration and its implementation, setting of contractual policy for the participants in the register, external communication with the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. She also covers emission allowance operations according to the instructions of the Ministry, as well as their helpdesk and communication with registry participants.

Peter Kuchta (2012)

Director of Key Accounts Sales Section, Slovenský plynárenský průmysl

Hugo Kysilka (2011)

Marketing director, VEMEX

Mr. Kysilka is a graduate of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with specialisation of industry economics. From 1980 to 1986 he worked for PZO Strojimport Praha state company, specialised on export of machine tools. Between 1986 - 1991 he was a delegate of PZO Strojimport at the State Sales Department in Moscow. In 1991 - 1994/95 he was a delegate of Tradeinvest in Moscow. Since 2004 he was the main representative of Transgas a.s. in Moscow. Since 2004 he has been employed by VEMEX s.r.o. as the Marketing Director.

Ján Lešinský (2012)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, chairman of the Association of Automotive Engineers and Technicians of the Slovak Republic

Peter Marčan (2011)

Chairman of the Board, Institute for Energy Security

Florian Margan (2013)

Representative, Holding Slovenské elektrárne

Petr Matuszek (2011)

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of ENERGETIKA TŘINEC

Mr. Matuszek graduated from the Mining University in Ostrava, specialization on thermal engineering, further he completed postgraduate studies at the Palacky University in Olomouc, specialisation on ecologic aspects of environmental protection. From 1987 to 1994 he was the Head of the gas industry department of the Energetika Třinecké železárny. From 1994 to 1997 he was the Head of the Production and evaluation Department of ENERGETIKA TŘINEC, a.s. From 1997 to 2000 he was the Head of the Repair and Maintenance Operations of ENERGETIKA TŘINEC, later from 2000 to 2006 the Head of the ET Strategy Department. Since 2007 up to now, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of ET.

Jiří Michalík (2011)

Managing Director, TAURON Czech Energy

Mr. Michalík graduated from the Technical University in Ostrava at the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, specialization - Heat and Nuclear Machines and Management, specializing in industrial power engineering. Between 1995 and 1999, he was the Head of Regional Office and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Energy Managers. From 2003 to 2008 he was the responsible representative of the "clean traders" group within the Operator Market Committee of OTE Czech Republic. In 2011 he has been re - appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Association of Energy Managers.

Miroslav Mikovec (2013)

Department of Monitoring of Emissions and Air Quality, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute

Študoval Európske rozvojové programy a environmentálne manažérstvo na Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzite v Nitre. Časť štúdia absolvoval v zahraničí na univerzite Wageningen v Holandsku. V súčasnosti pracuje ako sektorový expert pre energetiku na Slovenskom hydrometeorologickom inštitúte v Bratislave, odbore monitorovania emisií a kvality ovzdušia. Zaoberá sa reportovaním emisií skleníkových plynov v rámci Národného inventarizačného systému.

Stanislav Mišák (2013)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava

Roman Molin (2013)

Company's leadership strategy, ENERGETIKA TŘINEC

He graduated from the University of Chemical Technology in Prague. After finishing his studies, he worked for 1,5 years in a smaller company dealing with gas equipment. Since 1994, he has been working in ENERGETIKA TŘINEC, a.s., where during 19 years of his career, he held various positions such as technical development consultant, the ecologist of the company and the head of the water chemical treatment. Since 2007 he has been in charge of the company leadership strategy.

Igor Nagy (2011)

CEO, ČEZ Slovakia

Mr. Nagy is a graduate of the Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. In 2002 - 2003, he worked for the Municipal Office in Košice, in 2003 - 2006 he worked for VSE a.s. electricity trading company and since 2006 - till now he acts as a CEO in CEZ Slovakia, s.r.o.

Juraj Novák (2018)

Department of Energy and Raw Materials Policy, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Juraj Novak studied the Faculty of Science at the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice with a special focus on high energy physics. At the same time, he studied also business management at the University of Economics. After spending a short time in the sector of insurance and education, in 2003 he entered the Ministry of Economy of the SR (MESR). The job content at the Power Engineering section of the MESR is to create state policy with focus on renewable sources of energy usage. He cooperated on preparation of many strategic documents. To the most important ones belong the Strategy of Higher Usage of Renewable Sources of Energy in SR (2007) and National Renewable Energy Action plan (2010). Apart from preparing non-legislative materials and analyses, he is responsible mainly for preparation of legislation within the use of renewable sources of energy. He co-created also support programs focusing on investment help to business subjects and households with the purpose to increase the share of renewable sources. Currently, within his authority, he co-creates position and attitude forming of the SR to European legislation proposals covering the time span of 2020-2030.

Pavlína Novotná (2011, 2013)

Sales Director, FERN Capital Trading

Ms. Novotná is a graduate of the Czech Technical University in Prague, specializing in Landscape Engineering. She is a graduate of the Cranfield University in the UK, Environmental Management for the Commercial Sector as well. In years 2008 - 2010, she worked as a trader at Carbon Capital Markets Ltd. She is co - founder and commercial director of FERN Capital Trading Ltd. In her professional carrier she monitors European environmental legislation and policy and the development on the emission allowances markets.

Martina Olejníková (2018)

Slovakian representative at European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services

She studied the University of Economics in Bratislava, department of International Trade, and also Environment Studies at the Faculty of Science of the Comenius University. She extended her education with the study at École nationale des Arts et Métiers in France with focus on project management in industry. She worked in Peugeot Citroen Automobiles in Trnava in economic management and control. Since 2008 she has worked in the Veolia Group (since 2015 Dalkia) in its division of power engineering. She started her career in the group as renewable sources manager and currently she holds the position of the senior manager for international relations. She actively participates in comments on legislation process thanks to her membership in professional unions at national and European Union level and through representing the SZVT (Slovensky Zväz Výrobcov Tepla – Slovak Union of Heating Producers) at EFIEES (European Federation of Intelligent Energy).

Vladimír Pestún (2011)

Executive Director, E.ON Elektrárne

In 1981 - 1986 Mr. Pestún studied at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bratislava, Department of Heat Nuclear and Power Machines and Equipment. In years 1986 - 1997 he worked for Benzinol as the Head of the Power Industry of Kľačany. In years 1997 - 2008 for Steam - gas cycle Bratislava, as a Head of operation cycles. In 2002 - 2003 he held the position of technical supervision during the reconstruction of the Bratislava waste incinerator. Subsequently, in 2008 - 2010 he worked as a director of construction in Malženice. Since January 2011 he has been the director of the Malženice power plant and the manager of E.ON Elektrárne s.r.o.

Pavol Poláček (2018)

Partner, AK Poláček & partners

He is a legal expert on litigations in power engineering law and building industry. He studied universities in Paris, Leuven, Strasbourg and Bratislava, so he speaks English and French fluently. He gained international experience also in Seoul and Paris where he worked in local solicitor’s office. While being at law practise, he worked in management of various renowned law offices in Bratislava. He passes now his experience further in the Poláček & Partners Office, which he is the founder of. He is a registered advocate in the Slovak Chamber of Advocates, a solicitor for England and Wales, an arbiter of the Arbitration court of the Slovak Chamber of Advocates. He is recommended by the well-known international law publications Chambers Europe and Legal 500 as a top expert on litigations in power engineering sector and building industry. He is an active lecturer and author of expert articles in the field of law.

Ing. Michal Puchel (2012)

Head of System Services Provision, ČEPS

Monika Rafaelisová (2011)

Senior consultant, EKOS PLUS

Ms. Rafaelisová is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology at STU in Bratislava. From 1996 to 2004 she worked for Pohronská strojárna a.s. as an administrator of environmental and work safety, since 2004 she works in Nemak Slovakia s.r.o., as a Head of Department of work safety and environment. At present she is a senior consultant at EKOS PLUS s.r.o.

Richard Růžička (2013)

Director of the Gas Regulation Department, Network Regulatory Office

Milan Sedláček (2012, 2013)

Director of Strategy and Regulation, eustream

He has been active in the gas industry since 1992 when he started working for SPP. Since 2002, he has been in charge of the sale of transport capacities and business development. Since its renaming to eustream, a.s., he manages the area of strategy and regulatory affairs and at the same time he took part in implementing European legislation into the domestic one. He also coordinates the activities of eustream and he represents Slovak gas and petroleum union in the program committee of IGU for strategy and regulation.

Mgr. Martin Sliva (2012, 2013, 2018)

PMP, Project Coordinator, OKTE

Martin Sliva graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Department of International Relations and Diplomacy. He completed the qualification by further education in the field of European Affairs Management at the Comenius University in Bratislava and the certification of Project Manager. In 2004-2012 he worked at the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic where he was a member of the negotiating team for the Slovak Republic in the Council of the European Union in the negotiations on the 3rd energy liberalization package and participated in its introduction into the Slovak energy legislation. Currently, he works as a project coordinator in OKTE, a.s. – it is the organizer of the short-term electricity market, that deals with European and domestic energy legislation, coordination of development activities in the electricity market, transparency and market integrity, and the development of smart grid.

Aleš Soukup (2013)


He graduated from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, where in 1989, he earned a doctor’s degree in chemical and energetic fuel processing. He worked at the Federal Ministry for Strategic Planning, later for Agip Czechoslovakia / Agip Czech Republic (now Eni Czech Republic) and subsequently for Česká rafinérská a.s., Litvínov. During his professional career, he participated in the privatization and transformation of the state economy to the market economy - the entry of foreign investors into Czech refineries, establishment of the Česká rafinérská brand and the transition of Česká rafinérská from simple production to commercial processing refinery. He is the author of numerous professional publications and articles. Today, he works as an external consultant, he cooperates externally with the Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade (ČAPPO), the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague and with the PRO - ENERGY Magazine.

Branislav Sušila (2011)

Head of the Regulatory Management and Company Development Section, Východoslovenská energetika

Alena Šalamonová (2011, 2012)

Manager of regulatory and market affairs, Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (Slovak power plants)

After graduating from the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering at ČVUT in Prague, she worked in several positions at Slovak Power Plants, a.s., at the Institute of Energy Research and in various national and international energy associations. In 2001 - 2003 she worked as a member of the Board of Directors of the Slovak Electricity Transmission System, as the Director of Development and International Cooperation. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as a national system operator representative in the UCTE Steering Committee. At present, she works at Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. in the position of a manager of regulatory and market affairs. She is also active in the Presidium of the Slovak Board of the World Energy Council, in the Executive Committee of the Slovak Nuclear Society and in the Management Committee for Production and Energy Policy of the Eurelectric International Association.

Michal Ščepánek (2012)

Head of Measurement Team, ZSE Distribution

Juraj Šedivý (2012, 2018)

Market development specialist, OKTE

He earned the engineer’s and doctor’s degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and informatics of STU in Bratislava. From 2005 to 2008 he worked at various positions in the Slovak Electricity Transmission System, a.s. From 2008 to 2011, he worked for various private companies, such as an energy analyst, where he was dealing with energy consulting and analysis, especially in the electricity and gas market, further with European and national legislation, reducing the cost of different power consumption locations. Since 2011 he has been a market development specialist at OKTE, a.s., dealing with international and national projects, European and national legislation and communication with market participants.

Peter Ševče (2012)

Project manager ZSE and member of the Institute for Energy Security

He studied at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, where he dealt with the political relations of buyers and suppliers of raw materials. Shortly after being active in the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA), he focused on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. At the same time, he participated in several international projects and represented Slovakia at the International Energy Agency (IEA). He is a member of the Institute for Energy Security. He also works as a project manager at E.ON Slovakia, with a strong emphasis on electromobility and cooperation with the academic community.

Ing. Pavel Šimon (2018)

Vice President, Chamber of Producers and Users of Renewable Energy Sources /The University of Žilina

A graduate of Military Technical Academy in Liptovsky Mikulas finished his studies in 1994. Within his military career he focused on military and special science and research. He represented Slovakia in NATO in research groups. After leaving the army, he further focused on military and special research in various companies. On a long-term basis, he observed the area of renewable sources of energy development. Since 2008 he is engaged in this subject fully. He gained several certificates in projecting photovoltaic applications and other renewable or alternate energies. He is active on a long-term basis in consultancy in alternate and renewable power engineering in his company and since 2014 he runs the energy websites He shares his knowledge in various academy and public fora and since 2017 also at the Institute of Aurel Stodola Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Žilina in Liptovský Mikuláš. He is the vicepresident of Komora výrobcov a užívateľov obnoviteľných zdrojov energie (Chamber of Producers and Users of Renewable Sources of Energy), a member of the Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry and RSE. As a member of two parliament committees he also co-creates power-engineering legislation.

Miroslav Šipoš (2011)

Regulatory Management and Company Development Section, Východoslovenská energetika

Tomáš Šipoš (2013)

Regulatory expert, Západoslovenská energetika

A Graduate of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Studies. His professional education on energy regulation was completed at the Florence School of Regulation and Barcelona GSE. Since 2007, he is professionally active in energy regulation. He is a regulatory expert of the Západoslovenská energetika a.s.

Miroslav Škorník (2012)

Novácká energetika

Kvetoslava Šoltésová (2018)

Director of Legislation, Methodology and Education, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency

Ľubomír Šooš (2013)

Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak Technical University

He graduated from the Department of Production Machines and Equipment at the Faculty of Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (1983), where in 1991, he earned the Ph.D. degree. Since 1989, he has worked at the Faculty of mechanical Engineering of STU in Bratislava, firstly as a lecturer, later as a Deputy Head of the Department of Manufacturing technology (since 1991) and as the head of department (2000 - 2007). Since 2007 he has been the Dean of the STU Faculty of mechanical engineering. In 2009, he became a professor in the field of Manufacturing Technology.

Pavel Šramko (2011, 2012)


He is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering University. To 2004, he worked in the field of electrotechnical industry and telecommunication in various managerial positions. From 2004 to 2006 he worked at SEPS, a.s., firstly as Executive Director, then as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Trade Officer and SED. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as the sales director of Slovintegra Energy, s.r.o. From 2008 to 2010 he was Director of Strategy for Taures Slovakia, s.r.o. From 2010 up to now, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of OKTE, a.s.

Vladimír Turček (2012)

Head of the Development Division, Západoslovenská energetika

In 2002, he finshed his studies at the Faculty of Business Management of the University of Economics in Bratislava. In 2010, he graduated from the same university as an external PhD student at the Faculty of International Relations. From 2002 to 2004 he worked as an office manager in the financial section at the National Bank of Slovakia. From 2004 to 2008, he was Head of the Strategy and Regulatory Section of Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (ZSE). In 2008 - 2010, he worked as a project manager in the field of energy. Since November 2010, he has become again the head of Strategy and Regulation at ZSE and since April 2011 he is the Head of Corporate Development.

Juraj Vechter (2013)

Association of Slovak Consumers

Igor Vereš (2012)

Department of Climate Change Policy, Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic

After completing his studies at the Military Academy in Brno, he worked in military development, dealing with technical and economic analyses. Since 2009, he has been working at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, where he deals with renewable energy sources, low - carbon technologies and precautions to mitigate the negative impacts of climate changes.

Jerguš Vopálenský (2018)

Head of Network Business Development, SPP-Distribúcia

Under Mr. Vopalensky´s key responsibilities are corporate development, marketing communications, energy and environmental legislation, strategic analyzes and market opportunities.

Ivan Weiss (2011)

Director of Risk Planning and Management, Slovak Gas Industry

Mr. Weiss is responsible for planning of the consumption market development, sales reporting and risk analyses, as well as price setting in trade policy and regulating prices for gas supplies.

Petr Závodský (2018)

Director of NPPs Construction Department, ČEZ

joined CEZ Group in 1994. He graduated at University of Transport and Communication, electro-technical faculty. Petr started at Nuclear Power Plant Temelín during construction of Units 1&2, among others as Manager of Independent Verification and Validation of the Safety Systems Software. In autumn 2006, when CEZ decided to prepare New Nuclear Built, Petr was one of the first members of the new team, responsible for technical part. In April 2009 he becomes Director of NPPs Construction Department. He is vice-chairman of board of directors at ČEZ Bohunice, a. s. and member of the supervisory board at JESS, a.s. and as well as member of the board of directors at ŠKODA PRAHA, a. s. He is chairman of the supervisory boards at daughter SPVs Elektrárna Temelín II, a. s. and Elektrárna Dukovany II a. s. He also represents Czech Power Industry Alliance at permanent Czech governmental nuclear committee.

Igor Zbojan (2012, 2013)

Main State Council, Section of Energy, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

In 1994, he completed his PhD studies at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University. Further on, he finished another postgraduate studies in EU law at the Faculty of Management of the same university. At the University of Bratislava, he remained an external cooperator, and in 2010 he started to work also at the Pan - European University in Bratislava. He focuses mainly on economic legislation, he is a long - time employee of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. He participates in various conferences and seminars giving speeches about energy legislation.

Roman Zdebor (2018)

Director, New nuclear sources, Škoda JS

Roman Zdebor finished his studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 1993 as a graduate in nuclear devices construction. At first, he worked as a marketing specialist in SKODA JS, later as the head of marketing management department. In 2003 he was appointed the Head of Quality Management of SKODA JS. In 2005-2006 he was responsible for preparing the offer for completion of two nuclear blocks in Belene, Bulgaria. He was the head of the “SKODA Alliance” consortium (SKODA JS as the primary member, SKODA Praha and EGP Praha as further members), he controlled also the supply chain management. As the consortium did not participate in the construction in the end, he went back to the position of the Quality Manager. In September 2009, he was appointed a Project Offer Manager, he was responsible for preparing the offer for completion of two nuclear blocks in Temelin, Czech Republic. This offer was made within the Czech-Russian Consortium “MIR-1200”, that comprises of SKODA JS as the main member and two Russian companies – Atomstrojexport and OKB Gidropress. He was responsible for management and control of all technical and business meetings with the customers and partners of the consortium. After the tender cancellation, he returned to the position of the Quality Manager. He attended many international conferences and published articles in expert magazines. Currently he holds the position of the director of the department for new nuclear sources and is responsible for the development of relations with Rosatom and other Russian companies from the nuclear industry.

Jan Žižka (2018)

Senior consultant - specialista pro energetiku, HATcom

Jan Žižka is a consultant and journalist specialised on energy, export and science matters and communications in these areas. He is HATcom's energy consultant and specialist and cooperates with the Government section for science, research and innovation. He is an analyst of the “” website. From the nineties he has been a journalist in numerous Czech media dealing primarily with economics and foreign policy. In recent years, he has focused on the energy sector - mainly economic, political and business contexts. Beside other things, he was an EURO daily reporter and deputy editor-in-chief of the E15 daily.

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